Monday, October 25, 2010

Is It Okay To Be A Controversial Star These Days ?

  Bill Maher
 Glenn Beck
Bill O'reilly
 Ann Coulter
 Keith Olbermann

Well maybe not but there are some people who think it's ok because they tell it like it is even if they offend people, the funny thing is that controversy can make stars now days but would you want to be a star because you wrote a book against Muslims or you said something controversial on TV and the media got so excited about it or because of your talent and your gift that you have to share with the world ? people as of these days are more political and more angry and as usual the media mostly look for bad things to air more than good things, very often controversial stars are made by the news media because of the bad things that they wants to broadcast like bias and controversy and negative things, you can say it's fox news msnbc or cnn but to be honest it's the media in general, what we should do is to do our research more often to get the facts and to know the true story behind it because the media these days are not that trusted and yes they do have there agendas.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Are The Good Times Rolling Again ?

The year is almost over and things seems to be getting a little better and now some people are spending again and people are looking for new opportunities again, now when things get so much more better in the economy and employment which means more income people will tend to go back and start to do the very thing that got us here in the first place spend money they don't have and buy things they can't afford, the American way has hurt us badly and it has also taught us a big lesson and that is make sure you can afford what your just craving to go buy and have, I'm sure next year will be better than this year or maybe i shouldn't at all predict, but to be completely honest people in America love luxury now that's not bad but as long as you can afford it now lets remember just 4 years ago everybody wanted to by a house with mortgage that they couldn't afford to pay for every month with the kind of jobs they have and the kind of income they received they where happy until it all came down crumbling in front of there faces, if there's anything we should learn from this recession is this BUY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is Football To Dangerous ?

What a question now alot of people have loved football for decades but think about the physicality of the sport the fact that it's so rough is what really makes it fun changing the rules of that is going to be very hard and lets remember the viewers and the attendees as well, taking roughness out of football could just result in a big disaster.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Will There Ever Be Another Entertainer Like Michael Jackson ?

I'm sure all of you would say no of course not who could possibly come out from nowhere and be as good as Michael Jackson ? well lets just remember back in the 60s and the 70s no one could have predicted Micheal Jackson would be the next big thing, when Elvis died the whole country was in grief and sadness and Michael Jackson was just starting up with his brothers as the group was called the Jackson 5. Many people after Elvis death was very pessimistic that there could ever be another massive icon like Elvis but time would pass and Michael Jackson would rise up to be something that would take the world by storm it all began with thriller that sold over 100 million copies world wide, but believe it or not it is possible that there could be another icon that would at least be as good as Micheal Jackson but i don't know if that icon will be better, remember Elvis was a major icon but Micheal Jackson was even better.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Where Is Racism In America Today ?

Now that's a commonly ask question to ask these days for one reason we elected a African American man as our president now some of you would ask why would that be the reason? well look at it this way we have came a long way since the civil rights movement of 1955 to 1968 and white Americans are more open minded now i wonder why ask this question, to be honest with you this question was driven by the fact that there's a minority in the white house now that's why we are so interested in this topic of race and race relations. In 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 we always talked about one thing mostly in the media and that was the war in the middle east and to be honest with you 9/11 was something that took us all by surprise and made America very united against TERORRISM so yes terrorism was other of the day but racism was something we knew existed but not predominantly, but how ever we are a strong nation some say we have a long way to go but i think we just have to have common values and that starts by UNITY.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Power Of Facebook

Well i have been using facebook for little over a year now and i find it very interesting chatting friending someone you new maybe from years ago facebook has changed our everyday lives we use facebook for alot of things playing games talking to people and advertising, facebook just 5 years ago was not even mentioned anywhere and now look how big it is in our lives facebook is a driving force in our personal lives and our social lives from communicating with friends meeting friends and staying close to family now lets remember that facebook was not the first social networking website invented myspace was founded in 2003 and that site was so popular just until facebook kinda came along and smashed it to the floor with a very more grown up feel to it that attracted alot more users mostly the adult community. These days everybody is talking about facebook and to be honest facebook has help us alot and then again it has also hurt us too with break ups friends posting a picture of us that we never wanted out there in the first place and even bullying, but no matter what facbook is very powerful for one reason and that's us.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

In The Real World Venus vs. Mars: Defending Facebook

In The Real World Venus vs. Mars: Defending Facebook: "Shelle Edit: Will is new to me... and to Real World. But the guy knows how to write and get his point across. So do you agree with him??? ..."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Are Prominent Preachers Under Attack ?

To be completely honest pastors now days have been criticized in many ways over money theology and expensive possessions like cars big mansions and having alot of money but not only pastors are criticized for having those things, entertainers actors and as long as you have alot of money someone somewhere will criticize you.

Prosperity Preaching

This is the most hottest topic of them all preaching prosperity now the bible does talk about having alot but it's not that specific tho it's pretty clear, but Jesus in the new testament did not sound like someone who would agree with prosperity preaching for an example in matthew chapter 19:16 when Jesus was approached by a rich young man who had alot of possessions he ask Jesus what good thing must i do to enter into the kingdom of heaven and Jesus told him to obey a series of commandments and then the rich young man responded i have obeyed all o those commandments what else do i do then Jesus said go and sell all your possessions and give to the poor and you may follow me and be my disciples, the rich young man left sad and grieved because of what he had own then Jesus said to his disciples that it will be truly hard for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven and as he said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven, so clearly it seems tho as if Jesus disagree with prosperity preaching does he? saying that being rich will keep you from getting you into heaven seems very awkward now think about what jesus meant by telling the rich young man sell his possessions and follow him as his disciple, if you are rich and you forget about God and couldn't care less about Jesus Christ you gained the whole world but you are going to lose your only soul that's what Jesus meant. Now preaching prosperity did not come from creflo dollar it has been preached for years but it was not a big deal mainly because of traditional christian beliefs, money is not something that is known for being preached in the church and yes i personally believe that we should embrace wealth and riches and material things but remember who made it possible for you to get it in the first place.


Prominent Bishops Televangelist or Ministers have been targeted not only for what they preach but also for what they have, so of course a multimillionaire pastor driving to church every Sunday in a Bentley does not sound at all typical but times have changed and we are living in a new era where anyone can be famous and capitalize on it like for an example Sarah Palin's daughter being on the show dancing with the stars? and only because she's Sarah Palin's daughter that's amazing now days with young kids with multimillion dollar websites and people who dropped out of college and became billionaires don't be so surprised to see a pastor driving a Rolls Royce.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Has America Lost Civility ?

Well of course think back in 2007 or 2006 we where happier and more optimistic but there where things we where angry about then the like war in Iraq, yet here at home things where kind of going well for us economically and financially i can remember a time when i was watching the stock market boom to where people was talking about investing and trading everyday yet it was all a ticking time bomb. In January of 2007 things started to become a little funny first the mortgage mess that made us thing are we headed for a recession? i can remember watching the view and Barbra Walters asking former chairman of the federal reserve Alan Greenspan if we are headed for a recession and he said precisely no well he was wrong VERY wrong. 2008 job loses started to climb at record percentages and the economy was looking even more funny then there was something that happen that none of us would think would happen we elected the first African American as our president and it kind of united us for a little bit but not for long, in 2009 president Obama signed a bill that would begin a very silly political fight nationally.Unemployment lost of jobs bad economy foreclosure crises it just made people more angry at the country and looking back not so long ago America was doing so well and just 4 years later we are now in a recession? it just made people very angry and it's everywhere in America.